

ポスト @ 21:57:19 | 研究活動

形態統語構造の音韻的外在化:普遍性と差異 第6回ワークショップ
10:00 Registration
10:20 Welcome
10:30 Yosuke Sato and Masako Maeda (National University of Singapore and Kyushu Institute of Technology): Interactions of Phasal Spell-Out and Prosodic Phrasing: Evidence from Focus Intonation and Inverse Scope in Japanese
11:15 Jiro Inaba and Hisao Tokizaki (The University of Tokyo and Sapporo University): A Prosodic Approach to Word Order in German
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Yoshihito Dobashi (Niigata University): Workspace and its Prosodic Consequence
13:45 Gen Fujita (Sophia University): Negative Indeterminate and Phonological Phrasing
14:30 Break
14:45 Kuniya Nasukawa (Tohoku Gakuin University): The relative prominence of nasality and voicing
15:30 Jiro Inaba (The University of Tokyo): On substitute infinitives in German
16:15 Break
16:30 Discussion
17:30 Close
18:00 Business Meeting and Banquet