Phonological Externalization Volume 3 2018 Kuniya Nasukawa The Phonological Shape of Morphemes Constructed by Merge ............................................1 Yoshihito Dobashi Termination of Derivation and Intonational Phrasing: A Preliminary Study ..........................9 Yosuke Sato and Masako Maeda Spelling-Out Inverse Scope in Japanese: Intonation and Scope-Prosody Correspondence ..25 Gen Fujita Negative Indeterminates and Phonological Phrasing: the Remaining Issues .......................55 Hisao Tokizaki Obligatory Contour Principle and Minimalist Syntax .........................................................73 Jiro Inaba and Hisao Tokizaki Head Parameters and Word Stress in German .....................................................................85
大学のリポジトリで、Phonological Externalization Vol. 3 を公開してもらいました。
Phonological Externalization Volume 3 2018
Kuniya Nasukawa
The Phonological Shape of Morphemes Constructed by Merge ............................................1
Yoshihito Dobashi
Termination of Derivation and Intonational Phrasing: A Preliminary Study ..........................9
Yosuke Sato and Masako Maeda
Spelling-Out Inverse Scope in Japanese: Intonation and Scope-Prosody Correspondence ..25
Gen Fujita
Negative Indeterminates and Phonological Phrasing: the Remaining Issues .......................55
Hisao Tokizaki
Obligatory Contour Principle and Minimalist Syntax .........................................................73
Jiro Inaba and Hisao Tokizaki
Head Parameters and Word Stress in German .....................................................................85