Category : Publications
Entries in this category : 11logs Showing : 1 - 11 / 11
Tone in Chinese
Review of Syntax of Sentential Stress by Arsalan Kahnemuyipour
I have uploaded my review of Kahnemuyipour (2009). For downloading the manuscript, click the "File" on the left.
"Review of Syntax of Sentential Stress by Arsalan Kahnemuyipour"
Studies in English Literature, English Number 52, 222-231.
2011. 3. 1
Syntactic Structure and Silence
My book has just been published by Hitsuji Syobo Publishing (Tokyo). ISBN: 978-4-89476-395-1
I would like to thank you for your support.
For publisher's announcement of the book, see:
This is a revised and updated version of my dissertation. I hope that author index, language index, and subject index are helpful for you.
Symmetry and Asymmetry in the Syntax-Phonology Interface
The final version of my paper to be published in Phonological Studies 11 (2008) has been uploaded. Click the "File" tab on the left for downloading the pdf file. In this paper, I argue that left-branching structure has shorter juncture than right-branching structure.
Intrasentential Prosody
I uploaded the paper to be read at IDP07: International Symposium on Discourse-Prosody Interfaces, Geneva, Switzerland. September 12-14, 2007. Click the "File" tab for download.
Dissertation uploaded
I have just uploaded my dissertation "Linearizing Structure with Silence" submitted to the University of Tsukuba, 2006. Click "File" on the left, and download three files, Part 1 to 3. Part 1 includes pp. i-x, 1-70, Part 2 pp. 71-150, and Part 3 pp. 151-239. 868 KB, 656 KB, 920 KB, respectively. Thank you again, everyone!
Handout at InterPhases uploaded
The handout at InterPhases has been uploaded at "File". Please click the left tab "File" to download the pdf file.
Paper #27 has been published
27 "Prosody and phrase structure without labels" has been published. Please click "File" and download the final manuscript. I would like to thank all the people who have helped me with their comments and encouragement.
Paper #27 has been updated
27 "Prosody and phrase structure without labels" has been updated. Click the "File" tab on the left and download the pdf file. I would like to thank all the people who gave me comments and corrected my stylistic errors.
A new paper uploaded
I have uploaded my new paper titled
"Pause and Hierarchical Structure in Sentence and Discourse"
Click the tab "File" on the left and you will find it at #28.
You can download my papers in linguistics at "Files". Click the tab on the left to get pdf files.
Our paper "Tone in Chinese: Preserving Tonal Melody in Strong Positions" has appeared in Studies in Chinese Linguistics, Volume 35, Number 1, 2014, 31-46.
For download, visit: